NDC Review (UNDP)
To raise Lesotho’s ambitions in emission reduction /enhance their sinks and build climate change resilience leading to a prosperous sustainable economy.
Enabling Lesotho’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (CBIT)
To build and strengthen Lesotho’s national capacities for planning, monitoring and evaluating its climate policies and actions as defined in the Nationally Determined Contribution in order to comply with the Paris Agreement Enhanced Transparency Framework.
Lesotho Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Combined Initial Biennial Transparency Report and Fourth National CommunicationLesotho Enabling Activities for the Preparation
To facilitate the preparation of the Fourth National Communication (NC4) and Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) submission by Lesotho to the UNFCCC.
Technology Needs Assessments II (TNA)
Project Objectives: To prepare updated and improved TNA, including TAP, for prioritised technologies that reduce GHG emissions, support adaptation to climate change, and are consistent with Nationally Determined Contributions and national sustainable development objectives.